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4 posts tagged with "DocSearch"

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Changing the UI styling

· 3 min read
James Gray
Sr Program Manager, Algolia DocSearch

At this point everything is working as expected, as far as I can tell. Just to recap at a VERY high level:

  • Deployed a Docusaurus site
  • Applied for DocSearch
  • Updated DocSearch config
  • Excluded some URLs

Great, looking back, actually its not all that difficult, but there is a little learning curve to anything new. Now I want to better understand how to influence the styling of the UI on the page while I'm performing a search. To give myself something to aim at, I'm going to update each of my blogs with an image that represents the blog post and have the results pull up that image.

Where are my results?

· 2 min read
James Gray
Sr Program Manager, Algolia DocSearch

Picking up from yesterday (apply for DocSearch), I was accepted into the program. I received an email with suggested CSS/JS that I can put on my site. At first I started to do that but then as I was looking around the Docusaurus docs I found that there was an out-of-the-box integration already available for Algolia ( So instead of trying to figure out how to put the CSS/JS code directly into the right areas of my docs, I just updated the docusaurus.config.js file as show below.

GitHub and DocSearch

· 2 min read
James Gray
Sr Program Manager, Algolia DocSearch

Initially I goofed around with getting the Docusaurus site into GH using two different repos, one for the site source and one for the build directory. After goofing with that for a little bit, I stumbled upon the command to deploy to a different branch within your repo:

npm run deploy

This automatically publishes your build to the branch gh-pages which GH Pages is also easily tuned into. This was the way to go.